Friday, March 17, 2006


assalaamu alaikum

leaving out the details as to why i had to put this off for so long, i finally went to the doctor on wednesday, and after she did her checkups and what not, she was like its either a hernia or avascular necrosis. now BEFORE i even went to the doctor, i was telling ppl that based on my own diagnosis i thought it was a hernia, and simply "knew" how a hernia must feel even though i've never had one before. after an ultrasound (shutup) and xray, i was right. i have a hernia, and today i'm supposed to go to a referred surgeon doctor dude to see what hes gonna do about it. pretty obvious right?

now the thing is, the doctor told me that i shouldn't do anything physical, meaning lift heavy things, work out, or PLAY BASKETBALL. man, thats what i look forward to the entire week. i rest myself just so i can play ball on fridays and sundays. and i've had this thing for 6 months now, and i've been playing ball with it on the regular. i understand not playing AFTER the surgery to heal up, but if this thing isn't gonna go away without surgery, what harm is me playing like i always play gonna do BEFORE the surgery? its not gonna affect whether i gotta get the surgery done or not, cuz thats a given.

i dont know. odds are, that if i roll up into the gym tonight with everybody playing, i won't be able to just sit on the sidelines and watch. this will probably be my last week to play before i gotta lay off for surgery n crap too, so i might as well...

whats that like 2? i got 68 more excuses to go...

EDIT: so who wants to school me on how to embed audio files on this page? i've seen ya'll do it, so share the knowledge.


Anonymous said...

Wa alykum assalam, i got no audio fie tips for u. BUT..but but but, YOU brother, need to sit out of all those strenuous activities (yes basketball counts) It shouldnt kill you, but it wouldnt kill u to just break the habit for what..a week? In the meantime, *bulb lights up* learn to cook! see thats time well spent.

Hope everything goes well though InshaALlah. AssalaM alekum.

MnM310 said...

awww...i'm sorry..naw man u should take it easy or else u'll inflame it and make things a whole lot worse!!! come on u can make it for a short while..the world isn't going to end and hell isn't gonna freeze over, son. lol :P

altho i can understand..cuz i'm a "workout-a-holic" as well.

Anonymous said...

yo, May Allah give you shifaa bro, ameen.

fatty said...

i agree with pseudo. COOK! i want eggplant parmesean :cry: i'll even let you test it out on me!
as for the audio komlas a good person to ask. :)

Anonymous said...

arai just dont die on me..

call me or ill call u...we shouldve talked about this long ago -_-

no mind, missed calls here and there disintegrate when brotherhood comes a' truly calling

ma asalaam