Thursday, February 22, 2007

wsup yall

Assalaamu alaikum

it's been a while since i posted here last. don't ask why because i couldn't give you a real good reason and i don't know myself. i don't really have a great update in store right now either, but let's not get hasty, right? baby steps...

old news:

i got through a pretty crazy fall semester (sick load + ramadan), which also happened to be my first at UMBC. transferring in from a community college, it was a pretty big change, mainly the difficulty in classes. let's just say i learned a couple things. but what is knowledge without implementation, right? ...hopefully we can answer that at the end of this semester, and it'll be a good answer.

new(er) news:

since i want to be a man of my word, i am bringing a MIST team from baltimore this year. cuz that is what i said i would do last year. so i'm doing it. there's a lot of things i can say about MIST, but i'll make it simple and say i learned a lot from being a part of it, whether it was the tournament itself, or the people i was around at the time. but either way, its a source of inspiration for many youth, and i think it's about time the kids from this area get something like that to draw from. so insha Allah, there shall be a team. and it will be called Al-Rahmah.

i just watched Pan's Labyrinth. it was sad. and weird.



maybe some other time. holler.

uno. dos. tres.
