Thursday, February 22, 2007

wsup yall

Assalaamu alaikum

it's been a while since i posted here last. don't ask why because i couldn't give you a real good reason and i don't know myself. i don't really have a great update in store right now either, but let's not get hasty, right? baby steps...

old news:

i got through a pretty crazy fall semester (sick load + ramadan), which also happened to be my first at UMBC. transferring in from a community college, it was a pretty big change, mainly the difficulty in classes. let's just say i learned a couple things. but what is knowledge without implementation, right? ...hopefully we can answer that at the end of this semester, and it'll be a good answer.

new(er) news:

since i want to be a man of my word, i am bringing a MIST team from baltimore this year. cuz that is what i said i would do last year. so i'm doing it. there's a lot of things i can say about MIST, but i'll make it simple and say i learned a lot from being a part of it, whether it was the tournament itself, or the people i was around at the time. but either way, its a source of inspiration for many youth, and i think it's about time the kids from this area get something like that to draw from. so insha Allah, there shall be a team. and it will be called Al-Rahmah.

i just watched Pan's Labyrinth. it was sad. and weird.



maybe some other time. holler.

uno. dos. tres.



Rhythmic Explosion said...

wow, even I'm not that grammatically handicapped.

Good Luck with MIST :)

ShakirSahab said...

grammatically handicapped?

what you talkin bout willis?

Rhythmic Explosion said...

I speaketh of the lack of uppercase letters.

Voyager said...

Salaam Hammad,

How are u? This is Asif used to play hoops with u in rahma Masjid. Anyways i have taken residence in Sharja next to Dubai.

Take Care

ShakirSahab said...

yoo wasalaam man

that's awesome to hear. i hope you like it there, heard good things about dubai. make sure you come and visit, and bring your ballin gear!