Thursday, September 17, 2009


I've realized the past couple nights, while I drive back home in stupid 495 traffic from the furthest possible places I decide to go, that although Ramadan should be the month of Quran, and is for many, in my case, due to Taraweeh, I might actually end up reading LESS Quran in Ramadan. Preparing for the night leaves little leeway to read other than that portion that will be recited...

Long term solution: and I might as well call this a goal: not have to review for Ramadan.

Current solution: there's still a couple days left.

About the last 10. The first couple nights, I don't remember which one in specific, but the moon looked like it was crying while I drove home. 25th night was amazing though. Last night, not like the 25th. 2 more.


Nomad said...

lol, yeah alh.

let me know how your trip went; it was nice of you to let people know you were leaving.

ShakirSahab said...

i thought i'd be back before anyone noticed. oh well, the trip thus far is definitely a story. maybe not worth telling tho.

Nomad said...

*shakes head*

it's kinda sad bro. all this stuff happened to you this past week, and where do I hear it from? everyone but you.

maybe some people care and they'd prefer to know about things like that asap? I dropped by your place but you weren't there, so I don't really know what else I can do to get in touch. my #'s still the same. holler back at a brother.