Sunday, December 18, 2005

MARRIAGE post #1

SIKE...made ya look.

assalaamu alaikum

Imam Irfan mentioned something very interesting the other day, and it really scared me:


Imam Suyuti mentions that when the Prophets die, their miracles go up with them and are no more. for example, Musa AS's staff that he could throw down and turn it into a serpent; once he died, that miracle was also lifted up. when the Prophet Muhammad SAW died however, 2 miracles were left in this dunya after he departed, the first of which is obviously the Quran.

the second miracle has to do with the stoning of the Jamarat, the stone pillars that we pelt during hajj that represent the three places Shaitan came to Ibrahim AS. now for the servents of Allah who's Hajj is accepted, angels come down and take away the pebbles that they have thrown. that is why you are not supposed to pick up pebbles from the area of jamarat itself, because these are the pebbles that have been rejected.

and just think about it. if each and every one of the hujjaj throws around 49 pebbles into this same area, shouldn't there be mountains of pebbles piling up? even if before we didn't have the same number of people performing Hajj, say it wasn't in the millions, but still tens of thousands right? shouldn't the pebbles have started to pile up with all these people throwing them into the same place? but the saudi government has never had to do anything about this pile, because it simply never existed. until now. and thats the scary part. just recently, the saudi government has been required to remove the pebbles from the area of the jamarat, because the piles have begun to grow.

ya Allah, accept our Hajj and Umrah, and do not make us from those who's Hajj or Umrah has been rejected. Ameen ya rabbal Aalameen.


Abu Turab said...

Why is that scary?

And also, i'm surprised the pillars don't wear out and i'm also surprised that zam zam is still springing.

Ameen to your duas.

Anonymous said...

that's scary.

Anonymous said...

scary cuz that means the times are gettin worse and more and more people seem destined for hell

Anonymous said...

oye, komo told me you leavin on thursday. i need to email you some duas. vat the address is, yo?

ShakirSahab said...


and i'm leaving on wednesday, iA