Friday, July 29, 2005

i just came back from crazy rays. crazy rays is basically a huuuuuge junk lot, with junked, wrecked, salvaged etc cars just lying in rows and rows and rows. theres like thousands of cars over there, and basically what you do is you look for whatever part you want, take it out, and go and pay for it. ridiculous prices. and even then, i managed to waste my money. so i went there to get a hazard switch for my maxima. when the dude broke in, he didnt do any damage (besides a shattered window) to the wires and stuff, but when he ripped out the dashboard, he broke my hazard switch. so the car's turn signals wouldn't work. first i thought it was a short, but asking around, they said it might be the hazard switch. okay.

so i went to the junkyard to find a hazard switch, found one off a sentra in the first five mins. decided to keep lookin around, maybe some CD set was still in one of these cars right? well yea, all the CD systems were gone, but there were plenty of nice tape decks. so i took one out of a maxima, and then went on ahead to take off its windshield wipers too. my car's wipers are kinda messed up, so that if you close the hood of the car, they get stuck under them. so these wipers were a lil smaller, and they were off a nissan (not a maxima tho) so i said hey, whatever. i payed 36 bucks for the switch, two windshield wipers, and the nice tape deck, which also had like those sound manipulaters with all the lil switches and guages, kinda like what ull see at a studio o_0. GOOD PRICE? YEA! IF THEY WORKED!

its a junkyard. everything is as-is condition. no refunds, returns, etc. alhamdulillah the hazard switch worked perfectly, and i now have my turn signals again. but the tape deck doesnt work, i guess its broken. and the wipers are too small to hook into the motors. woohoo. i cudda got the switch in five bucks, but instead i used another 30, that cudda went to gas. i always look for lessons in things, you know something Allah wants to teach me. or maybe this is the Jazaa' of something i did earlier. but the only thing i cud get out of this was, "only get what you came for"?

yea, the summer is almost over, and i have no choice but to keep this car and fix it. i dont have the time, money, or energy to look for another one, and when the fall semester starts, we are going to NEED all 3 cars, running. so while i was figuring out how bad i wasted my 30 bucks, this brother who im real cool with and whos a mechanic, recently sold his shop though, came up and was like thats what you bought? im like mhm. i tell him the story, what it needs n wut not, and how im waiting for some guy to tell me his price to fix it up. i show him the inspection papers, and he had pretty much the same reaction i had. the guy who did the inspection overreacted like retard, and if i took it to someone else, they wudda passed that thing. so anyways, he was like, why dont YOU fix it? i was like, you wanna teach me? he goes, sure.

Ya Allah, please take care of all my affairs, ameen.

Inna ma'al 'Usri Yusraa.

1 comment:

KM said...

new entryyyyyyyyyy?!?