Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Salaamu Alaikum

posted this on Islamica just now:

Assalaamu Alaikum

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Al Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen.

Islamicans, I need your help in refining this argument. Basically the other day in my philosophy class, the professor was talking about how God is associated with certain attributes, such as All-Good, All-Powerful, All-Knowing. And he was like, even if you could prove the existence of some diety out there, how would you prove that he has such qualities? Thing is, he uses Christianity as an example of ridiculous claims a lot, and sometimes he'll talk about Judaism, and it looks like he actually knows some stuff about both. But he has not mentioned Islam yet, and I'm beginning to think that he hasn't studied or looked into Islam yet. Either way, I wanted to form an argument about the existance of God along with His attributes by using the Quran:

Before I start, I just wanna say that these are numbered cuz thats the order. Until I establish each one, I would not go to the next one, because it would circle back to an earlier point. I'm sure everybody knew that.

1. First thing I would establish is that the Prophet Muhammad SAW was an unlettered man, and maybe throw in a bit about his character. But really establishing that he was no philosopher or anything like that; he could neither read nor write. I wouldn't go past this issue until it was established and agreed upon, and for that I'd need outside historical sources. Where would I find those?

2. The Arabs lived in an isolated society. They were not advanced in their thinking, but were sinking into ignorance and vice. Again, outside historical proofs would be needed so these things can be established. Basically establish the scenario in which Islam popped off.

3. The Quran: How it has been unchanged for 1400 years. How the Prophet could not have written it. How his companions could not have got together and written it. How the Muslims in later times could not have slowly completed it, adding things here and there. How it is memorized and preserved.

4. Because it is unchanged and original, then discuss its miracles such as the prophecies that have came true. The scientific facts it provides that have only recently been discovered. The challenge that it has issued and which still remains today.

Thus, ESTABLISHING the legitimacy of the Quran, and proving it could NOT have been written by Men. Now here, I'm kinda confused as to how to make the leap from "Not Man Made" to "Divinely Revealed by God". The line of logic I was planning on using was like this:

Everything that can be proved true or false in the Quran, (such as the prophecies, scientific facts) have been proven true, and none have been proven false. So as for the things that cannot be scientifically TESTED, like God being Allah, Allah being One, His Attributes, it would be unfair/unethical/dishonest (dunno the correct word that I'm trying to use) to say that these parts are FALSE based on mere POSSIBILITY. Because if everything else in the book is true, why say these parts are false without proof? (Makes sense in my head.)


5. Since the Quran is true, the Quran claims that there is a God, and that God is Allah, and Allah has such and such attributes.

I asked a brother bout this logic and if it was flawed, and he said yes it was. I'm not sure how exactly, so maybe somebody can explain. InshaAllah, I'm hoping you guys can help me with a few things.

1. The argument. Flaws. Help me refine it. Anything at all.

2. The Proofs. HOW do I ESTABLISH beyond argument that the Prophet SAW was unlettered. And the Arabs lived in such a society. And that the Quran has been unchanged. I can't use religious proofs like the Hadith for the Prophet's life. I would need outside sources. Same for the Arab lifestyle. What's good Islamica?


Oh, and try and keep it simple for me, please. I'm really pretty stupid, so if you decide to go Russell status on me, I'm gonna hafto skip your post.

Jazaakumullahu Khairan.

1 comment:

KM said...

awww, u jacked islamicas smilies. azher should sue u!
